Lettre Motivation Anglais Stage: How To Write One In 2023

Lettre De Motivation Anglais Stage Lettre Modele
Lettre De Motivation Anglais Stage Lettre Modele from ltmodele.urez.us


Writing a letter of motivation in French is a very important part of applying for a job or internship in France. You need to make sure that you write a letter that is perfect in terms of grammar, spelling, punctuation and content. If you are applying for an internship in France, then you will also need to write a letter of motivation in English. Writing a letter of motivation in English is necessary if you are applying for a job or internship in a non-French speaking country. In this article we will discuss how to write a perfect letter of motivation in French and English for a stage in 2023.

Why is it important to write a letter of motivation in French?

Writing a letter of motivation in French is important for two main reasons. Firstly, it shows that you have taken the time to research and understand the French language and culture. This is very important in France, and can help you stand out from other applicants. Secondly, it will give the employer an insight into your language skills, which can be very beneficial if you are applying for a position in a French-speaking country.

Tips for writing a perfect letter of motivation in French

When writing a letter of motivation in French, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:
• Use formal language and avoid slang;
• Use correct grammar and punctuation;
• Keep the letter concise and to the point;
• Make sure that the letter is free from spelling mistakes;
• Avoid using clichés;
• Make sure that the letter is addressed to the correct person;
• Make sure that you include all the relevant information related to the job or internship;
• Make sure that you include your contact information in the letter.

Tips for writing a perfect letter of motivation in English

When writing a letter of motivation in English, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:
• Use correct grammar and punctuation;
• Use formal language, but be sure to avoid clichés;
• Keep the letter concise and to the point;
• Make sure that the letter is free from spelling mistakes;
• Make sure that the letter is addressed to the correct person;
• Include all the relevant information related to the job or internship;
• Include your contact information in the letter.

Example of a letter of motivation in French

Madame, Monsieur,
Je me permets de vous adresser ma candidature pour un stage dans votre entreprise. Attiré par la qualité et le dynamisme de votre entreprise, je souhaite me présenter à vous.
Je suis actuellement étudiant en première année de licence à l’université de Paris. J’ai acquis de solides connaissances en gestion, comptabilité, marketing et communication. Je maîtrise parfaitement les logiciels bureautiques tels que Microsoft Office et je suis très à l’aise avec le traitement de texte.
Je suis très motivé et j’ai le sens du travail en équipe. Je suis consciencieux et j’ai le sens des responsabilités. Je saurais m’adapter rapidement à votre environnement de travail et je suis prêt à relever les défis que vous pourriez me confier.
Je joins à cette lettre mon curriculum vitae ainsi qu’une copie de mon dossier scolaire pour que vous puissiez vous faire une idée de mon niveau de formation.
Dans l’attente de votre réponse, je vous remercie pour l’attention que vous porterez à ma candidature et vous prie de croire, Madame, Monsieur, à l’expression de mes salutations distinguées.

Example of a letter of motivation in English

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to apply for an internship in your company. I am attracted by the quality and dynamism of your company and I would like to present my candidacy.
I am currently studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Management, Accounting, Marketing and Communications at the University of Paris. I have a good knowledge of office software such as Microsoft Office and I am very comfortable with word processing.
I am highly motivated and have a good team spirit. I am conscientious and have a sense of responsibility. I am willing to adapt quickly to your working environment and I am ready to take on any challenges you may offer me.
I am enclosing my CV and a copy of my academic transcript so that you can get an idea of my level of training.
I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your kind consideration.
Yours faithfully.


Writing a letter of motivation in French or English is a very important part of applying for a job or internship in France or in a non-French speaking country. It is important to make sure that you write a letter that is perfect in terms of grammar, spelling, punctuation and content. Writing a letter of motivation in French or English also gives the employer an insight into your language skills, which can be very beneficial if you are applying for a position in a French-speaking or non-French speaking country.

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